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Saturday, May 14, 2011

diagram of solar power system

diagram of solar power system. Solar Power Systems
  • Solar Power Systems

  • calculus
    Oct 12, 02:54 PM
    Here's a challenge. How about everyone here who has an iPod gives $10 or equivalent to this charity?

    diagram of solar power system. watt solar power system.
  • watt solar power system.

  • Kariya
    Apr 25, 01:22 PM
    Umm, you do realize the processor can be 10000000x faster, the system is still completely hammed by the 5600rpm hard drive they put in there. Most tasks are faster on an Air then a 17" Pro. And if you're doing heavy lifting get a Mac Pro. People who bought the new processors don't enjoy the benefits 90% of the time.

    You must be a spec sheet reader, not someone who intelligently analyzes what they buy.

    ...and you think most people who buy a MBP won't swap out the drive for a 7200RPM drive or an SSD and max out their memory?

    Intelligent...no genius level thinking!

    diagram of solar power system. SOLAR ELECTRICITY SYSTEMS

  • addicted44
    Apr 25, 02:07 PM
    "which is already under development at Quanta in Taiwan"

    And I was naive enough to think that Apple developed their cases themselves. And if they don't it means that they do not design any hardware at all.

    Ummm...that doesn't mean what you are saying at all.

    Apple has stated before, in one of their Keynote videos (possibly the one about the Unibody MBP), that they send their designers to Taiwan, and China, where the factories are actually located, to the designing, so they have a complete feel for the entire life of the product. So they have an idea of what the manufacturing facilities will look like, and have quick/easy access to the raw materials, and can easily test the manufacturing capabilities themselves.

    Just because the design might be happening at Quanta (still a rumor) doesn't mean Apple is not doing the designing (if it wasn't their designs, why hasn't anyone else been able to make a unibody laptop yet?).

    diagram of solar power system. diagram of my solar system
  • diagram of my solar system

  • UberMac
    Sep 15, 05:30 PM
    A shame about scrapping the idea of a ground up design - I hope that doesn't lead to a lack of innovation. That's what really leads Apple along! Although if they just make a killer phone (I'm sure they will at some point...) it's bound to sell buckets loads!


    diagram of solar power system. Gamp;H Electrics
  • Gamp;H Electrics

  • SBacklin
    Apr 22, 11:15 AM
    i didn't ignore anything. i stream pandora all the time when i'm on the go and while i'm at the house. my work has wifi so i just connect to that and my house wifi while i'm there. I have a buddy here at work that streams netflix and tons of other stuff but refuses to connect to wifi. he uses close to 10gb of data monthly and has still not received any message from AT&T.

    My point is there are a lot of people that just don't connect to wifi when they are around it free, they just rely on their cell service instead. The reason i connect is bc when i'm looking online it's quicker internet wise then the 3g.

    I'm not wanting anyone to change. but you're arguing that this service isn't great...when in reality it's just not great for you.

    I like to live minimally....so having a dvd collection or cd collection of physical media does not interest me. Apparently, others think the same way or the cloud service would not exist. The service is not for you. Go back to ripping cds to your local storage device and making play list after play list and sync all ur music each time u want a variety.

    Many people are the same way with books. My MIL has like 1,500 books in her house and just sees no value in a kindle and all that it provides.

    I get it, people enjoy their "stuff".
    Its also not great for many many many other people. You still base your ideas and arguments on the flawed notion that people have unlimited data and could still get it. I will also state again, I personally believe this will be some kind of add-on locker and not replacing local storage. I believe replacing local storage at this point would be a major mistake on Apple's part because it would negatively affect so many people...granted, not all.

    diagram of solar power system. Solar electric system diagram
  • Solar electric system diagram

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 28, 09:21 PM
    Sorry to crash the party, but it would seem a little strange for Apple to upgrade the MacBook and/or MB Pro's until sometime after the 16th when their current college promotion ends. Promotion = clearing out old stock (of notebooks & iPods).

    Keep your mom's credit card in her purse for a few more weeks.

    Hello Mr. Condescending, and glad you could join us.

    There are arguments agreeing with you and those that disagree with you for equally good reasons. It's been all over these boards for the last several weeks, so you're not telling anyone anything they haven't thought, said, heard, or argued for or against. While I can definitely see both sides to this worn debate, in all honestly, I have no idea when Apple will release the C2D systems. And neither do you (or do you? :o )

    But hey! That's why were here. To speculate, argue, and spread wild rumors based on tiny grains of truth.

    diagram of solar power system. Gridtie Solar Power System
  • Gridtie Solar Power System

  • racer1441
    Apr 4, 12:38 PM
    Good on the cop. Criminals are scum. Got what he deserved.

    diagram of solar power system. The system monitor and charge
  • The system monitor and charge

  • theman5725
    Sep 26, 09:10 PM
    While on the topic of the iPhone, I am curious about video playback. It may be a lot to ask, but the Chocolate has it and Apple is competing with that and other media phones.

    diagram of solar power system. Solar power system wiring
  • Solar power system wiring

  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Sep 10, 11:22 PM
    I'm still taken aback by Sun doing what Intel's doing now, but doing it 8-10 years ago. What the heck happened to SUN?

    Were you reading propaganda from Sun, or something from an unbiased source?

    The P6 systems that you're talking about in the mid '90s were very similar in architecture to today's Intel systems.

    The P6 systems had a shared FSB, so memory bandwidth was shared by the two processors. The SPARC systems usually had a crossbar switch, so that in theory each CPU had a private memory path. (The Woodcrest systems have an FSB per socket, to a shared memory controller.)

    While the crossbar really shined when you had 32, 64 or more processors with many, many GiB of RAM - for a dual CPU system it really wasn't worth the cost.

    Woodcrest, the PPC G5, and AMD aren't using crossbar memory controllers today....

    diagram of solar power system. RV/motorhome solar system AC
  • RV/motorhome solar system AC

  • arn
    Apr 11, 01:59 AM
    They'll change the key and force a firmware update on any airport express user who wants to update itunes.

    Are the 3rd party AirPlay speakers firmware upgradable?

    That will break compatibility with those speakers.


    diagram of solar power system. grid solar power system
  • grid solar power system

  • AidenShaw
    Sep 10, 11:19 PM
    However, I was disappointed to learn that the 2nd processor could be only be used for little more than a coprocessor. So, I did some reading about the relationship of the Bus design, processor architecture and the OS. It made me appreciate Sparc a lot more.
    Were you reading propaganda from Sun, or something from an unbiased source?

    The P6 systems that you're talking about in the mid '90s were very similar in architecture to today's Intel systems.

    The P6 systems had a shared FSB, so memory bandwidth was shared by the two processors. The SPARC systems usually had a crossbar switch, so that in theory each CPU had a private memory path. (The Woodcrest systems have an FSB per socket, to a shared memory controller.)

    While the crossbar really shined when you had 32, 64 or more processors with many, many GiB of RAM - for a dual CPU system it really wasn't worth the cost.

    Woodcrest, the PPC G5, and AMD aren't using crossbar memory controllers today....

    diagram of solar power system. solar power system diagram
  • solar power system diagram

  • MrNomNoms
    Apr 30, 08:58 PM
    Anger management is a good thing.

    Not that but realising his posts are massively off topic. This article is about the iMac and nothing to do with the operating system itself.

    diagram of solar power system. DIY Solar power - Make your
  • DIY Solar power - Make your

  • funkychunkz
    Sep 15, 08:37 PM
    I think if anythingm it could hurt apple's image. I don't really see why they should tangle themsleves in the phone buisness. What's out there is good enough, and unless they make more of a blackberry than a cell phone with great features, I really don't care for any rumors regarding it.

    diagram of solar power system. Solar electric system diagram
  • Solar electric system diagram

  • donlphi
    Sep 26, 11:29 AM
    Oh man. Verizon early termination fee, here I come.

    Why would anybody stop their Verizon or Sprint service for an iPHONE? Does cingular even carry a broadband wireless service? EV-DO is only getting better and Cingular can't even come close to the same offerings.

    I'm sure it will be a nice phone, but don't be disappointed when you can't call anybody without being in roaming. Also don't be disappointed when your bluetooth tethering for internet is slower than a 300 baud modem on a commodore 64. :D

    Once again... Apple teams up with a loser. Misery loves company. I pray this contract only lasts a year or LESS. CINGULAR... jeeze:mad:

    diagram of solar power system. Making Solar Panels – Wiring
  • Making Solar Panels – Wiring

  • spencers
    Apr 11, 11:30 AM
    I'm very excited to see this come to XBMC. Cannot wait!

    diagram of solar power system. solar power system diagram
  • solar power system diagram

  • DavidLeblond
    Aug 28, 02:42 PM
    I too am waiting for a revision before buying. But it is somewhat ridiculous. Like saying I could date this girl now, or I could wait until next month when a faster one turns 18.

    On another note, anyone notice that Mini's are gone from the refurb store...

    Well I think most people are like me, they want their money to go as far as it can go. Right now $2000 will get you a decent 20" 32bit processor iMac. A few weeks from now (or hours! who knows! excitement!) it will get you a decent 20" 64bit processor iMac. I got my iBook about a week before they announced a speed bump (did not know enough about Mac culture to know to wait) and it pissed me off. Not gonna happen to me again!

    diagram of solar power system. (Source: Solar Electric Power
  • (Source: Solar Electric Power

  • Analog Kid
    Sep 16, 02:40 AM
    This is the most credible of the iPhone rumors I've seen so far-- in no small part because it didn't have a picture attached... The feature set sounds right, the move away from doing everything from the ground up sounds right. There's a lot of companies that have put a lot of effort into building technologies for cell phones-- it would be foolhardy for Apple to think they could do everything better. Get into the market with something that innovates in one small area-- even if that's just in its support for iTunes. Once you understand the market a little better, improve on the pieces you think you can.

    diagram of solar power system. solar power system diagram
  • solar power system diagram

  • cube
    Apr 23, 02:08 PM
    I am curious about something. Intel is apparently having difficulty dealing with ATI, which is owned by AMD. Is this a problem for Apple that is limited to notebooks only? It seems like the new MBP doesn't have this same problem, except in the 13" model. Is this problem going to affect Apple's desktop machines? Or is it only limited to the very small laptops and perhaps the Mac Mini? I am just curious because it doesn't appear that the MBP 15 & 17" are effected. I do hope that this makes sense. I have been waiting to see the next versions of the Mac Book and the iMac. I would like to have a portable and I don't care or need a laptop that is a quarter of an inch in thickness or if it weighs a pound more than a Mac Book Air.

    Intel doesn't have a problem "dealing with ATI". The problem is that the integrated graphics in Sandy Bridge are inside the CPU, so if you put an alternative chipset with integrated graphics you're paying for stuff that you don't use, and the whole point of integrated graphics is to reduce costs.

    Also, NVIDIA is prohibited by Intel to make new chipsets for Intel CPUs that have an integrated memory controller.

    diagram of solar power system. Solar array wiring diagram -
  • Solar array wiring diagram -

  • Slix
    Apr 28, 08:40 PM
    Go Apple! :D

    Sep 19, 03:09 PM
    Didn't Steve say in his keynote how long it would be until Europe got movies? I could have sworn it was October.

    Apr 19, 09:03 AM
    Do any of these suits ever actually get resolved?

    Sure they do. Its basically mutual destruction idea. So Samsung at the golf course will tell their counter part at Apple I will give you 20% off our latest SSD and it will all be nice again in the tech world or at least until the end of the week. :rolleyes:

    Mar 23, 05:22 PM
    Don't pull it!!!!!

    I'm NOT in favor of drinking and driving, but I am in favor of freedom. I don't like the idea of ANY government control over things like this. Too many darn laws to begin with.

    I downloaded this app. It's pretty cool! The DUI thing is like the least useful. There is all sorts of good traffic info on this app. Love it!

    Mar 30, 12:48 PM
    App market?

    Program Store?

    Program Market?

    App Hub?

    App Universe?

    App Base?

    Tool Shed?



    crapp store

    What is the App Store? It is a store where you buy apps, an app store.

    It's not a "shed where you buy apps", for example.

    no .. I go to the crapp shed after I visit the burger store :p

    Sep 4, 07:37 PM
    The device would not make a lot of sense by itself. There is more to this. Most people are waiting for a Media Center system. Sounds like the device would replace some cables that you can get for 40 bucks. I am refering to the cables that allow you to connect your Mac to the TV.
    If you're like me, you don't have your Mac right next to your TV. Not only would I have to string a DVI/HDMI cable aaaall the way across the room, I would also have to get an equally long digital audio cable. Probably end up costing about the same as a video AirPort Express (if they keep the prices the same) but with the added hassle of getting those cables across the room.

    This would be a lot less expensive than buying a Mac mini, especially if you already have a powerful desktop just waiting to play some HD videos...