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Saturday, May 21, 2011

black and white photoshop textures

black and white photoshop textures. Black and white backgrounds
  • Black and white backgrounds

  • lbjazz
    Apr 11, 06:33 AM
    Ok this makes no real sense to I figure Apple is behind it. Merantz and Denon both have upgrade and both same price. Are they for real, come on Airplay upgrade WTF. I smell Apple crazy behind it. :rolleyes:

    I guess its a software upgrade to their internal chip, but I still think its stupid, if your going to buy a 1000 plus receiver this is just dam bad PR to me.

    Denon and Marantz are the same company, two pieces of D&M Holdings (http://www.dm-holdings.com/eng/).

    The discussion about this here is ridiculous. There are many good reasons that Apple has to encrypt the music data stream. First, it's a privacy issue--If encryption were not standard people would be even more widely angry that Apple provides an insecure product that allows others to snoop on one's audio stream. Furthermore, in order to license all that iTunes Store content Apple has no choice but to provide security in its delivery mechanisms. Movie and music studios are big into the whole idea of encrypted data streams and would stand for nothing less.

    Now that the key is cracked, the security is theoretically defeated (someone just has to write a program to hijack data streams) and the studios no longer have their hacker-proof data stream. Apple probably doesn't care though because they did their due diligence and forcing a firmware upgrade with a new key (which would just be cracked again anyway) would be impossible and fraught with problems.

    black and white photoshop textures. lack and white photoshop
  • lack and white photoshop

  • Teddy's
    Sep 14, 12:27 PM
    A Photographers event, eh?
    I want to dig deep into photography. Last week I went to a bookstore and I was looking for Digital Photography books. What I found was something terrible: lots of books featuring Adobe Photoshop, Camera Raw plugins, Adjustment of curves, RGB's, clone pixels, RAW and more RAW books.
    I got really frustrated because, even though I understand that RAW format, I find everything just out of mind. It is so complicated... hey! I just want to edit my pictures with something easier like iPhoto without something complicated like Photoshop's Camera RAW. I found Aperture easier than PS. I tried it in an Apple Store with a MBP 17-inch like mine and it was sloooooooooow! But it is fine... I can deal with that, I think. What about an upgrade of Aperture where it is optimized and faster? I would really hate if they do a software upgrade and they make Aperture slower on Apple's previous (to C2D) hardware. The other part of the story is that I would like a gorgeous 20+ widescreen display, I don't care about an iSight built-in.

    So maybe this is the time for good Photo-products upgrades...

    black and white photoshop textures. texture is lack and white
  • texture is lack and white

  • cwt1nospam
    Jan 12, 09:21 AM
    Thanks for reminding me to put you on ignore. I know how easy it is to identify an operating system, but if they bothered to make a message just for Mac users it stands to reason they made malware for Mac users too. Or would they just make the message for fun? We all know what funny guys malware writers are.
    For anyone who might buy into the above crap:
    Many "virus writers" are script kiddies. They don't necessarily know much if anything about the Mac, so they assume that the virus they're using will work the same as on a PC. That's why they'll "make a message just for Mac users" even though it won't do anything. This of course doesn't mean that there aren't ever any Trojans for the Mac. There have been a few in the past and there certainly will be some in the future. There's just no need for antivirus software to detect these until and unless one or more of them become successful AND it takes Apple significantly longer to come out with a system update than it does the AV vendors to detect the threat and create a definition for it.

    Why significantly longer? Because AV software costs you time and money while it slows your system down and potentially creates new vectors for viruses to attack your system! Software updates are free, don't slow your system down or make it more vulnerable, and unless they're long delayed the odds are excellent that you will not see the attack on your system before receiving the update.

    This all applies to IOS too, except that because IOS is locked down to the point where the only way to get an application is through the app store it is practically impossible to create and transmit a trojan, let a lone a virus.

    black and white photoshop textures. compared01 Color Black and
  • compared01 Color Black and

  • cvaldes
    Mar 29, 11:19 AM
    I predict that in 2015, iOS handset users will still have the highest customer satisfaction and that Apple will be walking away with the lion's share of the smartphone industry's profits.

    Meaning there will be more grumpy non-iPhone users and more grumpy HTC/Nokia/Samsung/Motorola/LG shareholders.

    black and white photoshop textures. Black and white backgrounds
  • Black and white backgrounds

  • ShiftyGray
    Apr 20, 10:29 AM
    I don't care about this at all.

    What could they possibly do with the information, who would want to know, who would have access to it, and why would I mind?

    black and white photoshop textures. MiaBella Black and White Plus
  • MiaBella Black and White Plus

  • rdowns
    Apr 25, 10:09 AM
    He's definitely lying about some stuff


    In less than 3 years, your mom went to law school, passed the bar exam, and became the top attorney in the biggest law firm in your state? Impressive.



    So which is it? M5, Prius or big SUV?

    Of course, this isn't the first time he's shown hate for the cops:

    I just love it when people get what's coming to them. :)

    black and white photoshop textures. Black and White (press D),
  • Black and White (press D),

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 27, 12:00 PM
    People don't understand what freedoms truly are. It doesn't mean you get to say and do whatever you want wherever you want - that's anarchy, and anarchy is bad... unless you're the biggest, strongest and most brutal. Freedom of speech really means you can't be jailed or otherwise punished by the government for saying what you want in a pulic arena.

    Thank you! I was going to say the same thing... In general, people are clueless and often whine about censorship and how free speech is a thing of the past. What most don't realize is that we have more freedom of speech now then ever before. The key is free speech laws (as you stated) apply within a public domain - always have. What many (even most) fail to grasp is what is truly public grounds. As bitfactory noted "... and who thought shopping malls were public places? WTH? Honestly.", that is so true. I think many people fail to grasp that just because the general public is allowed inside an area does not make it a "public place".

    black and white photoshop textures. MiaBella Black and White Plus
  • MiaBella Black and White Plus

  • SeaFox
    Sep 27, 01:50 AM
    I mean, if Motorola can sell 50 million of their stupid RAZR phones, then Apple should be able to sell as many iPhones as they can ramp up to manufacture in the next couple of years!!

    The RAZR was a smash because it was very stylish (which the Apple iPhone will certainly be, too). But it also has been huge because every carrier has had it available on subsidy, and it's been available in more than one color. Something I don't expect from the iPhone.

    It's also been such a huge seller because they are junk inside. I imagine every time a carrier has to replace a RAZR because it was insured Motorola counts it as another "sale".

    black and white photoshop textures. Photoshop tile pattern of big
  • Photoshop tile pattern of big

  • rish
    Sep 17, 03:59 PM
    I don't really see this happening, if apple is going to take the risk of entering this competitive market, I see them doing it with a very innovative 'new' product.

    Hi people. Take a quick look at this working prototye.


    I understand that Synaptics is a company Apple already has a working relationship with.

    It kinda gets the juices flowing when you consider the possibilities. No more crap mobiles, I hope.


    black and white photoshop textures. photoshop stone textures
  • photoshop stone textures

  • Thataboy
    Sep 26, 08:36 AM

    The only way the iPhone market even makes sense is via an Apple MVNO.

    Since when does Apple NOT want to "control the whole widget"? I don't want Apple controlled by the nutjob mobile providers.

    As much of an Apple fanboy as I am, I would never use Cingular. But beyond that, it signals that the Apple iPhone will be incredibly lame -- just another music phone (basically an Apple ROKR/SLVR), because that is pretty much all that Cingular trades in.

    black and white photoshop textures. With a basic Texture in place
  • With a basic Texture in place

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 20, 11:09 AM
    Don't rely on encryption to protect you in any way. The police can crack it, as can hackers, and they can simply demand with a court order that you give them the password.

    Depends on the cipher really. Not all ciphers can be decrypted with even the latest of the latest hardware, especially if you lack the private key. And a court order can force you all you want to give up that private key, but they can't force you to remember it or not lose it. ;)

    "I don't remember" or "I lost the private key to my encrypted backup, but here's the AES-256 encrypted file guys, have a go at it" are perfectly good answers.

    As for this topic, SLA/ToS whatever. Not everything written in a TOS is legal or binding. If they wrote you had to murder your 1st born child, would you ? Would a court find it legally binding ? Of course not. Invasions of privacy aside, is there even a reason to store the location information like that, timestamped and polled every second ?

    Why can't the device poll my location when asked for it only ? Why does it need to do it periodically ? Why is there no cleaning up after a certain time has elapsed ?

    All serious questions. Even if I don't have anything to hide my privacy is still important to me. If I want you to know about my mundane life with no frills, I'll tell you about it.

    black and white photoshop textures. The metal texture now appears
  • The metal texture now appears

  • cere
    Apr 14, 01:33 PM
    "You mean like FW was faster than USB and USB2? And yes, it will work with any USB device. You think that is an incentive for drive vendors to invest in it? Really?"

    ^ You implying it will be DOA. For someone criticizing reading comprehension I sure have to do a lot of work for you.

    Here's the gist of your worthless posts:
    Strawman argument

    What a joke.

    I was asking you what I thought would be an easy question for you to answer. I'll ask again, it will work with any USB device, do you think that is an incentive for drive vendors to invest in it? I'll wait.

    And I've posted no strawman arguments. I didn't insult you either. It was an observation. Reading difficulty is a problem, sure, but it is a a challenge that many people face. I am hopeful that those with this limitation can better themselves perhaps by taking some courses. Dialog is always better with someone that understands and can follow the discussion.

    To properly recap, I believe it could be a repeat of FW and it could end up being considered 'Mac only'. I know it is subtle difference from a claim it will be DOA (well, subtle like a baseball bat, I guess), but it shouldn't be this difficult for you to understand. You are really, truly, picking the wrong fight. I think we actually agree on a lot of points. I'd like it to succeed, but can see things that might be obstacles. You don't see those as obstacles or perhaps don't see them at all. But, really, stop arguing against things I never said.

    black and white photoshop textures. A Photoshop play with layers,
  • A Photoshop play with layers,

  • SeattleMoose
    Apr 30, 03:20 PM
    for a couple more years.....

    Thunderboy is still "bleeding edge" and nobody wants to go and have to buy a bunch of new peripherals (as if there were any yet....:eek:)

    black and white photoshop textures. lack and white photoshop
  • lack and white photoshop

  • QuarterSwede
    Sep 16, 02:21 PM
    It's certainly why I haven't. I wouldn't say the U.S. is so much behind the rest of the world (although that is true) but keep in mind U.S. carriers are all about keeping people locked into contracts. It's much easier to get a phone and change providers in Europe because they don't do hardware locking to network and prepaid is more proliferant. You can get lots of these great phones (by the way, they do make 10 megapixel camera phones now) if you buy them online, paying retail prices.

    The problem is most U.S. consumers are cheap as far as I can tell, most will not pay at all for a phone and even few will pay more than $100. The carriers cannot afford to subsidize these phones because even with them partially covering the cost a consumer will be looking at an over $250 cost with a contract..

    The U.S. cell phone is behind other countries because the U.S. cell phone network is behind other countries. We're just now getting 3G out in most of the country but Japan has had it and two way video calls for years.

    If I could afford it and was willing to take the gamble of learning a new UI, I would get the Nokia N73. But it's hard to justify spending that much on a cell phone for me and I'm more familiar with Nokia series 40 phones.
    I hear you on that. Just check out DoCoMo's (http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/product/function_icon/index.html) phones (Japanese).

    black and white photoshop textures. Making a Photoshop Brush Part
  • Making a Photoshop Brush Part

  • jamesryanbell
    Apr 25, 05:31 PM
    Did I misread something?

    It said a "case re-design", not a refresh of CPU, GPU, HDD, etc....

    Why is everyone talking about a major technology refresh on a brand new MBP? My guess is that they opened up sweat shops in some third world country to file down the edges.... :-)


    By the time the redesigned MBP is out, it'll be time for a massive major refresh.

    black and white photoshop textures. Make sure you lack and white
  • Make sure you lack and white

  • kurtsayin
    Oct 12, 11:07 PM
    Ultimately: who cares?
    Bono still sucks, U2 has always sucked, and, much as i like a) the color of the new iPod and b) fighting AIDS, Apple's weird extended relationship with Bono makes very little sense to me.

    P.S. Damn, Bono sucks.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes!! I keep asking myself why the hell there is so much Bono/U2 stuff... What if I wanted a "Gordon Lightfoot Edition iPod"?

    black and white photoshop textures. Returning colors back to lack
  • Returning colors back to lack

  • bankshot
    Apr 20, 10:03 AM
    For those who are jailbroken with ssh installed, the file is located at /private/var/root/Library/Caches/locationd/consolidated.db on the phone. Regardless of jailbreak, it's in your iTunes backup (<home dir>/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/<your device hash>) as the file 4096c9ec676f2847dc283405900e284a7c815836. It's a standard SQLite file.

    Haven't had a chance to go through and see what mine looks like...

    black and white photoshop textures. lack and white photoshop textures. Posted in quot;lack and whitequot;,; Posted in quot;lack and whitequot;,. SuperCachetes. Mar 1, 10:48 AM
  • lack and white photoshop textures. Posted in quot;lack and whitequot;,; Posted in quot;lack and whitequot;,. SuperCachetes. Mar 1, 10:48 AM

  • ipoddin
    Aug 31, 06:30 PM
    Just guessing (obviously), but I just can't see where processor upgrades to MacBooks and/or Mini's and/or iMacs and/or MacBook Pros warrant a big ol' SF > London-streamed Stevenote.

    Nah. This feels bigger. Smells more of an iPod/Movie Store announcement to me.

    My crazy/he's hitting the rock again call of the day would be that on the 12th, Steve shocks the world with a redefinition of the whole mobile phone experience. Announcing the new iPod phone.

    Where's my pipe?

    You're probably right. An event isn't the place to only announce processor upgrades to the current line. Something bigger is to be announced and the processor upgrades thrown in for good measure!

    black and white photoshop textures. lack and white photoshop
  • lack and white photoshop

  • Sodner
    Apr 20, 10:51 AM
    Eh. Not that big of a deal as far as I'm concerned. It's a tracking file on my phone copied to my computer. I have plenty more to worry about like bank or CC info then my exact location at a given moment.

    Hey everybody, I'm at work in Cranberry, PA right now! :eek:

    Sep 17, 11:51 PM
    Then why do you hate CDMA so much? There are ways of unlocking CDMA phones and using them on other networks.

    And the reason why I talked about international roaming rates was because you said in a nutshell that we couldn't bring our phone to another country.

    There are ways of walking on the moon. Doesnt mean its particularly consumer-friendly.

    I brought up using a phone internationally because of the technical compatibility of using GSM over CDMA. price is irrelevant. the fact that "some cdma phones are gsm compatible" is proof that CDMA has very limited use worldwide.

    so basically. IF your CDMA carrier has a phone that you like AND is GSM compatible, you can take it and roam.

    or. you can accept that while it may be technically superior (i said MAY. speed isnt everything) CDMA is a very tiny pocket of the mobile market.

    Apr 17, 02:11 PM
    Published in USA today. An article titled "Are Lives Really an Acceptable Price for Fuel Efficiency?"

    I believe the article you refer to is from the '90's. Regardless, blaming fuel efficiency is a typically American attitude. Why not blame the glut of giant SUVs on the road rather than the small cars? Are countless numbers of EU citizens dying because of their tiny tin-foil cars? Oh noes! :eek:

    and SuperCachetes, I was under the impression that US jobs were going out of the country bc we can't afford Union price tags. But if you "think" making labor more expensive will spur hiring, then keep "thinking" that with your "brain" ;)

    That "thinking" sounds pretty good; maybe you should try it. (Hint: what you can "afford" has nothing to do with unions.) ;)

    Meanwhile, I'll be earning my degree from a top 25 university so that I can get a job that affords healthcare for my children

    Yep. Sure hope that job isn't found cheaper elsewhere. :rolleyes:

    May 3, 11:09 AM
    That's nice from Apple, I personally find the Magic Mouse useless for what I do, it's just a nice toy. And a Trackpad would be more useful just for the Multitouch Gestures in combination with a Real Mouse

    My thoughts exactly!
    I remember watching the keynote where some top guy from Apple demoed onthe iLife things and he didn't seem to handle the magic mouse that well... Sometimes he had to repeat the gesture 2 or 3 times to get it right...

    Apr 10, 08:58 PM
    Where the F is THAT???
    Swindon England : 55� 33' 46" N by 1� 46' 17" W
    Until a radical shift in our system happens, such as 3rd parties somehow becoming viable, these things will only continue. Institutions are self perpetuating and reinforcing, unless changed from the bottom (the only place such a change can possibly occur), the problems this country faces will only be contributed to and not combated.

    First, we need to institute total no-opt-out public financing of all elections. Then we should explore something like an inflexible expiration for all corporate charters, say 9 years (about half a patent term). Dissolution would begin by satisfying the investors and then proceed to establishing non-incorporated component businesses to maintain (if necessary) the products/services the corporation had established, creating a co�perative arrangement if appropriate.

    Right now, long-lived large business has replaced the problem that the dynamic democratic republic was supposed to address. We have no official peerage, but what we do have is almost indistinguishable.

    Sep 14, 03:46 PM
    Why is everyone saying that Aperture 2.0 announcement is too little???

    Photokina is all about *photo*. Aperture is about digital *photo* workflow. Its workflow features were pretty groundbreaking a year ago. Yes, it was buggy before first update. Yes, it was slow, and still is too some extent. But the features they showed -- autostacking, the loupe, the library -- are *fantastic*. They had a year to improve -- why not hold a big event to show it off!

    No one would say that Adobe hosting an event to show new version of Photoshop would be to little, right? Same goes for Apple.

    I'm desperately waiting for the update. If AP update (2.0, 1.5 -- whatever) improves speed on new Mac Pros, my order for a MP + AP goes right in. And $3.5K go to pay for it.